Urban Eat:A Launch ROOTED in consumer data

Out of home

Video content for Gen Z

In January 2023, Urban Eat. relaunched its exciting new plant-based range “Roots” to the market, just in time for Veganuary. Using their new brand assets, we developed dynamic video content for use on social media and in student accommodation, cleverly developed to resonate with the Gen-Z Consumer.

3m impressions 💡 600,000 digital screen views 💡 52 screens 💡

The Challenge

Analysis of the market showed Urban Eat that 65% of people in the UK are now meat reducers, with a further 7% being meat excluders completely. From this, Urban Eat. discovered that there was a gap in the market for accessible, tasty food, which “happens to be plant-based”. Identifying that the Gen Z market was a particularly strong pool for the meat reducer/ excluder target audience was also key for Urban Eat. Using this vital information, in January 2023, it relaunched its exciting new plant-based range “Roots” to the market in time for Veganuary.

The brand then carefully selected the 14 most significant university cities in the UK (many of which were home to more than one uni) in order to announce the new range to students from 27 different higher education establishments. 52 individual screens were located in student accommodation across these sites, playing eye-catching video content announcing Roots’ arrival onto the campus.

The university push was also supported by a substantial sampling campaign for students.